Waste Management System

College waste management system
AYKK’s College o f E d u c a t i o n , D h u l e . adopts different methods for proper disposal of waste, as a result, we get to see the proper use of waste in the college, such as bad papers, booklets, refills, pens, pencils, garbage collected  by the college and similarly, the trees in the college are collected. Maintain the value of public hygiene, avoid the use of bags below 40 microns. Compost fertilizer is made from some de-composable waste in the college. Students are encouraged to use cloth or paper bags by avoiding the use of polluting plastic carry bags.
1) Take care to throw garbage in the garbage bin and not to throw it out.
2) Reuse of goods to reduce waste generation.
3) To keep in separate bags or bins without collecting non-perishable, nonperishable, poisonous and deadly waste.
4) Separate plastic bags, glass, etc.
5) Preparation of compost using bacterial protection or earthworm fertilizer
method in college of burning waste
6) Keep your surroundings clean.
In this way, the college accepts the waste management system of the college.